- [Doom9's Forum]Possible to Apply Chroma Interpolation afterwards?
- [Doom9's Forum]Avisynth+
- [Doom9's Forum]MVCsource v2.4.6 3D MVC/AVC/VC-1/MPEG2 Avisynth Source Plugin (Intel Quick Sync)
- [Doom9's Forum]Is there any fuction like compare() in avisynth?
- [Doom9's Forum]avisynth.dll built with ICL 10
- [Doom9's Forum]KNLMeans: OpenCL non-local means denoising algorithm (AVS+ / VS support)
- [Doom9's Forum]Video of lightning storm - cutting lightnings
- [Doom9's Forum]Evenly padding to mod8/16?
- [Doom9's Forum]StaxRip x64 for AviSynth+, VapourSynth, x264, x265, Intel and Nvidia GPU encoding
- [Doom9's Forum]Simple x264 Launcher v2.51 (2015-04-26)
- My VirtualDub and Avisynth Filter News
- [Doom9's Forum]25p to 60i
- [Doom9's Forum]Conveniently switching Avisynth versions
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