- [Doom9's Forum]IVTC'd 3:2 pulldown video still has blended frames
- [Doom9's Forum]Avisynth source filter for Sony Nex-7 .MTS file?
- [Doom9's Forum]Better alternative for repairing badly upscaled chroma on interlaced NTSC DVD?
- [Doom9's Forum]InterFrame 2.6.0 - Framedoubling/60FPS/HFR conversion script
- [Doom9's Forum]AVSMeter v1.8.0
- [Doom9's Forum]Audio-blanking
- [Doom9's Forum]MSmoosh: MSmooth and MSharpen for VapourSynth
- [Doom9's Forum]Direct Streaming Avisynth Script in VirtualDUB
- [Doom9's Forum]How to de-interlace 25i coming from 8 mm film transfer ?
- My VirtualDub and Avisynth Filter News
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