- [Doom9's Forum]Gamma-aware, dithered colorspace conversion and resizing
- [Doom9's Forum]60i to 30p (or 50i to 25p) without artifacts?
- [Doom9's Forum]Keep details between different frames with different resolution, how?
- [VideoHelp.com]Fix Colour Bleeding in both directions Up and Down with Avisynth?
- [Doom9's Forum]FFMpeg and cropping
- [Doom9's Forum]Huge amount of spam at Avisynth wiki
- Avisynth Batch Scripter: Download 〓 ITsTime Webdesign en Software
- [Doom9's Forum]Simple x264 Launcher v2.14 (2013-06-17)
- [Doom9's Forum]Vapoursynth
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